Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fig Bruschetta

Whilst at my brother's house the other day, I was voicing my dreams of book writing and recipes and all things yummy... We were browsing through this one recipe book and happened upon something called Fig Bruschetta. We had spend part of that morning picking figs off a tree in his backyard.
Figs are one of my favorite fruits and I am always exploring new ways to serve them!
With a few ingredients filed in my memory, & a bag of my brother's figs, I ducked to the grocery store for some...

Bread, Mascapone & Cream     (to combine with what I had)
Honey, Icing sugar & Figs

So for breakfast this morning I was treated to Fig Bruschetta 

Toast bread, cook figs in honey, whip cream adding mascapone and icing sugar, serve (too easy really)


  1. Wow this sounds and looks divine!! I have never had fresh figs, I like dried ones but have never been sure of how to eat the fresh variety...I must try this :)

  2. They look fabulously yummy! There's a hobby farm near us selling tray loads of figs for $10. Rick likes them fresh but I prefer a little bit of a fiddle. mmmm I think you have inspired me to share my fig n cheese salad. If I get some figs, I'll post it! And, I will have to make fig bruschetta (gosh, I am already drooling!) xxx Thanks for this delish post.

  3. Hey Ms Rita. I have tagged you in a game over at my blog. It would be lovely if you joined in the fun or simply indulged me in answering the questions. . . .

    xxx Fi

  4. Tammi, I also love dried figs.... do you have any recipe ideas???
    When I was young I used to always buy them from Harris Farm in Orange when we went over.
    That's exciting Fi, I would love to hear about your salad and do get some figs!!!
