Friday, March 18, 2011

Antique Shopping

I absolutely love spending hours browsing through a good antique or op shop, one of my favorite things to do. Today I finally ducked into the Coliseum in Mayfield, Newcastle, after driving past thinking I must go there... They now have a cafe also, open seven days!!
after spending maybe over an hour... here's what I purchased

Pretty English Plate

Some antique laces

A sieve, I have always wanted one of these sieves!!
Some cute English bowls

An Italian ice crusher
...such good finds...

Can't wait to go back again and browse the little stores
I hope you also find some great antiques!


  1. I too could spend hours thrifting and often do when I don't have kidlets in have some great finds there. I have been after that sieve for ages now but all the ones I come across are really rusted.

  2. Awww lovely, keep your eyes out and you will find one one day!!

  3. Yay for the sieve! Glad you found it (much more character than my tupperware one!). xx

  4. I know, how exciting!! Can't wait to cook with flour now... pasta....
